Words for 2017
Drumroll please…. This is the final post of the NaBloPoMo 2016!! The first one I participated in. Some of these days it was challenging to write a post. And I’m not pleased with every single one of my 30 posts, but who cares, I did it. I’m proud and grateful for the support from people around me and foremost from my family. They listened to my ideas and even came up with some themselves.
For the final post I use the writing prompt of Julie Ross Godar and want to say thank you for her work and always liking our posts in the Facebook Blogher Writing Lab 😉 The prompt is:
Have you chosen a word of the year for yourself for 2017?
What is it? If not, what words would you consider?
After thinking about it for a while today I’m going to choose two words for the year 2017: One for me personally and one for all of us.
My own word for 2017 will be peace of mind (free of worries).
And then I read that Dictionary.com has named “xenophobia” its 2016 Word of the Year. Its definition: “Fear or hatred of foreigners.” And the Oxford Dictionaries just announced “post-truth” as word of the year 2016. Terrible words! I don’t want to live in a world where “xenophobia” is the word that has been used so often that it becomes that kind of attention. I want to live in a world where people from all cultures, religions and color treat each other with kindness and respect. That’s why I strongly believe that next year’s word should be xenophile which means “a person who is attracted to foreign peoples, cultures, or customs”. I love the difference of people, foreign places and cultures. And to make it even stronger, I added some love to it.
This post is a the last part of a series called NaBloPoMo 2016 hosted by BlogHer. NaBloPoMo is short for National Blog Posting Month and it challenges writers and creatives to post on their blogs once a day (at least) for the month of November. You can find all my posts on my blogher page, too. Stay tuned!
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