Three Word Thursday
Happy New Year! I know I’m late, but it’s still the first week in 2017, so I think it counts. After taking a break from blogging over the holidays I decided to get back into it today. Well, and because...
Happy New Year! I know I’m late, but it’s still the first week in 2017, so I think it counts. After taking a break from blogging over the holidays I decided to get back into it today. Well, and because...
Time with friends I’m visiting my home country of Germany right now and it’s always lovely to be here. Despite the fact that it’s often quite challenging to deal appropriately with all the expectations of family and friends, I mostly enjoy...
Blogging University, Day 11 The Daily Post Today I’m supposed to learn to work with outside inspiration so I never have to deal with blogger’s block. For that WordPress offers a daily writing prompt to give you a push when you’re...
typisch deutsche Dinge Wie schon mal erwähnt, vermisse ich mein Heimatland doch recht regelmäßig. Deutsche Gepflogenheiten, die deutsche Ehrlichkeit, deutsche Gemütlichkeit und sogar das deutsche Wetter. Die Dürre hier ist unerträglich und ich lechze tatsächlich nach einem ordentlichen Regenguss, am...
Back to school! After 10 weeks of summer, 10 weeks of being busy having fun, today it’s back to the routine. My girls were super excited about a new school, new teachers, new friends. And I’m celebrating peace and quiet....
Courage isn’t having
the strength to go on –
it is to go on when
you don’t have the strength.
— Napoléon Bonaparte
I’m Kathrin, a German who’s been living the last 16 years in the crazy world of the Silicon Valley. Even though I love our life in California, I’m still missing Köln (Cologne) and the German lifestyle. On this blog I share some of my stories and ruminate about what home really means. I’m a mother of two girls and the wife of an iSlave, a teacher, a social introvert and very passionate about the things I do.
I’m glad you’re here! Schön, dass du hier bist!
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