The 5th season of Karneval is in full swing in my hometown of Cologne and other areas of the Rhineland. I miss it a lot. You don’t know Karneval?Hereyou can read a bit about what Karneval in Germany is all about.
Fortunately, this year Ludwig’s German Table and Cöllefornia will host the first big Karnevalsparty in San José. If you want to join the fun, you can still buy tickets here.
In order to get in the right mood, I’ve started listening to German Karneval songs a few weeks ago. And now I want to share my 11 favorite Karnevals Songs with you. Have fun listening, watching and singing along.
#11 Einmol Prinz zu sin – Wicky Junggeburth
This song is pretty cheesy, but it’s a total classic and I’ve already sung it when I was about 16.
#10 Pirate – Kasalla
This is a rather new Kölsche band. I heard the song for the first time when I was in Germany for Karneval in 2016, after eight years of Karneval abstinence. It was the most played song during the Karneval Season of 2011/2012.
A fascinating woman recorded this old song with the NDW band Extrabreit in the 1990’s. It’s not a classic Karnevalssong, but you will hear it everywhere.
#8 Us der Stadt mit K – Kasalla
Another catchy songs that pays tribute to Kölle and its Karneval.
#7 En unserem Veedel – Black Föös
It matters in what neighborhood of Cologne you live. This song describes the love and connection to your “Veedel”.
#6 Su lang mer noch am lääve sin – Brings
Live in the moment! I will always be Kölsch in my heart.
#5 Denn wenn et Trömmelche jeht – Räuber
It is probably THE Kölsche Karnevalssong. No more to say.
#4 Superjeile Zick – Brings
A Superjeilezick (a f*$%-ing good time) is the epitome of Karneval.
#3 Viva Colonia – Höhner
Karneval classic! I will never forget when we have sung the song to Robbie Williams at the Arena of Schalke, because one of us had a big sign that says “Viva Colonia” and he was asking what it was about. Unforgettable!
#2 Leev Marie – Paveier
This song is just so fun to dance to, and it’s probably one of the easiest to sing along.
#1 Et jitt kei Wood – Cat Ballou
My absolute all-time favorite song! There is no word to describe what I feel when I think of Kölle, of home.
road trip : an extended trip in a motor vehicle[...]
Words of the day
Courage isn’t having
the strength to go on –
it is to go on when
you don’t have the strength.
— Napoléon Bonaparte
Hi! Hallo!
I’m Kathrin, a German who’s been living the last 16 years in the crazy world of the Silicon Valley. Even though I love our life in California, I’m still missing Köln (Cologne) and the German lifestyle. On this blog I share some of my stories and ruminate about what home really means. I’m a mother of two girls and the wife of an iSlave, a teacher, a social introvert and very passionate about the things I do.