to all of you! ❤ ❤ ❤
As you may know February 14th, Valentine’s Day is the most popular holiday in the US. More than 62 % of Americans share valentines with their loved ones. Cards, candy, flowers, other gifts like jewelry or a romantic dinner are the common ways to celebrate. There are hearts, red and pink all over the US. The first written valentines appeared in the 15th century. Here you can find out more about the history of Valentine’s Day.
Kids in school everywhere in the country share valentines as well and volunteering in my daughter’s class today, I saw some cute ones that I want to share with you.
Non-candy valentines
These are a some of the valentines our girls made over the years that I really like:
Rule Valentine
Fish Valentine
And here you can find even more printable non-candy valentines. Just to give you some ideas for next year 🙂