I just realized that this month has so many special days. It is my dad’s and two of my dearest friends’ birthdays. It is our anniversary and my sister’s anniversary today. What a coincidence that we both got married in December! And I will always hold dear New Years’ Eve of 2003 because that’s when I did not celebrate “Sylvester” with friends but I went into labor to give birth to our first daughter who is a New Years’ baby. My husband had champagne with the nurses and we thought we’d win the race for the first baby in Cologne in 2004. We did not. But I will never forget this night, ever.
December is a special month, even now. For some, December 31st might just be a date, a day, another night, but for me, it has always been special. Maybe one of my favorite parties of all. It became even more special with a New Years’ baby. Sylvester (New Year’s Eve) is an end and a new beginning at the same time. The ball drops. Even 2020 will end. Each New Year’s Eve, there’s hope for something new, and this year we are all full of hope!
My happy memory today is from 2010. 10 years ago! My husband and I went for a beautiful bike ride up Mt. Hamilton. It was actually one of my first long rides. The sun was waiting for us above the clouds.
Let’s hope there’s more sun waiting for us in 2021.
I apologize for not opening door number 9 yesterday! Behind today’s door is the beginning of a German song, a poem basically, which was read at our wedding.
Liebe ist alles
Es ist ein gutes und ein wahres und ein schönes,
© Reinhard Mey
allumfassendes Gefühl.
Es läßt sich nicht vorhersehn, läßt sich nicht erzwingen
und es paßt in kein Kalkül.
Es mag für einen Augenblick sein und für immer,
es ist frei vom Zwang der Zeit.
Es ist das Teil, es ist das ganze Universum,
es ist jede Winzigkeit.
Liebe ist alles, Liebe ist mehr.
There’s always Google translate, lol!