We must be willing to let go of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us.” Joseph Campbell This is my first blog post in almost three years. I have finished the whole […]
In Germany it is already 2022. We still have about 9 hours left in 2021. Time to look back, but only briefly. I haven’t written much this year, let’s say I haven’t taken much time to write. That’s ok, but […]
Heute komme ich endlich dazu mein selbst erstelltes Material hier auf den Blog zu stellen. Irgendwann muss man einfach mal anfangen. Ich hatte schon einige Versuche gestartet, ein Arbeitsblatt beim Lehrermarktplatz hochzuladen, aber es hat sich als schwieriger erwiesen als […]
Today, the EMA (European Medicines Agency) approved the Pfizer BioNtech vaccine. I’ve already had a lot of interesting discussions about the Covid-19 vaccine. Are you willing to get vaccinated or not? At least here in Germany, opinions differ widely. My […]
Dear all, I hope you are having a peaceful and healthy fourth Advent. I am sorry I haven’t posted last week. I’ve been in quarantine in Germany but was still teaching online. It has been quite the journey and there […]
November 13th is my birthday, December 13th is our anniversary. I like this number, I always have. I hope we can celebrate accordingly sometime soon. California has a stay-at-home order, Germany will go into a hard lockdown starting Wednesday. It […]
I just realized that this month has so many special days. It is my dad’s and two of my dearest friends’ birthdays. It is our anniversary and my sister’s anniversary today. What a coincidence that we both got married in […]
Good evening! Another Advent calendar door is opening. It is late and that’s why this is short tonight. My dear friend Judy shared this Jimmy Fallon video with our FNG&T group today and it is absolutely awesome! Enjoy! My happy […]
Good morning California! Good evening Köln! We finished The Queen’s Gambit yesterday night and we enjoyed it a lot. Our plan is to start playing some chess with the girls over the holidays. My husband plays but I never tried […]
Words of the day
Courage isn’t having
the strength to go on –
it is to go on when
you don’t have the strength.
— Napoléon Bonaparte
Hi! Hallo!

I’m Kathrin, a German who’s been living the last 16 years in the crazy world of the Silicon Valley. Even though I love our life in California, I’m still missing Köln (Cologne) and the German lifestyle. On this blog I share some of my stories and ruminate about what home really means. I’m a mother of two girls and the wife of an iSlave, a teacher, a social introvert and very passionate about the things I do.
I’m glad you’re here! Schön, dass du hier bist!
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